These are existing books sent to me by the client to help me strike the right balance between keeping some traditional elements but making the issue more modern.

The objective of the project was to design the next issue of Movie, building on the previous two issues. The images in the issue should integrate with the text so that it relates to written content. Most of the work would take place between November and March but the journal’s practice is to produce a rolling issue. This means that additional articles can be added after the issue is launched at the end of October 2020. A Movie eBook designed as pdf’s was also to be produced alongside Issue 9, following a similar style to the issue. ​​​​​​​

It was important that the images kept to the same grid as the text. Therefore, I ensured that all images filled the margins correctly so that they did not loo out of place like the spreads of the left.

Cover page experiments for issue 9.

I then began to work on the cover for each eBook. The client expressed that he would like each of the books to work as a series but also fit with the style of the journal. My initial ideas included showcasing a range of images from each book on the cover or use one large image which would fit the style of issue 9. The client chose a range of images, so I created a simple grid system that would work for each eBook, using the same typeface and rule as the journal to create coherency. I thought showcasing a range of images within the eBook was effective because each book contains a variety of movies and it gives the reader an idea of the content. It also meant that one movie was not more important than the others. ​​​​​​​
To read issue 9 of Movie: A journal of film criticism and all four eBooks (Reading Buffy, Filmmakers' Choices, Movies and Tone and The Police Series), use the links below. 
To read my blog post on the project visit
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